Dr Sara Moradi Tuchayi and their colleagues have investigated the problems of adherence to anti-acne therapy in their study titled ” Interventions to increase adherence to acne treatment” published in the journal, Patient Preference and Adherence in the October 2016.
Acne (Pimple) is a commonest skin condition affecting mankind. Pimple negatively affects the quality of life – as measured by low self-esteem, increased social and emotional anxiety – and imposes a considerable financial toll. The requirement of more than one medication due to multifactorial pathogenesis of the disease adds cost and complexity to the burden.
One of the factors negatively impacting complete pimple relief is poor adherence to the treatment regimen. Poor adherence is a problem in all medical disciplines, with the average adherence being only 50%–60%. Adherence to simple acne regimens is poor; adherence rates for complex regimens are worse. The purpose of this study is to describe the hurdles associated with adherence to acne treatment and to provide mechanisms on how to remove them.
A variety of hurdles to adherence exist, stemming from both inside and outside the acne doctor’s office. Understanding these hurdles may help dermatologists in creating effective solutions for their patients.
Primary non-adherence is when a patient never even begins taking the medication. The main reasons may be following
- Little knowledge about severity of acne
- Weak physician–patient relationship
- Influence from media or other physician
- Already in possession of similar treatments
- Fear of adverse reaction
- Confusion about how to use treatment
- Cost
Secondary nonadherence is when the medication is not taken as prescribed. The main reasons may be following
- Lack of acne improvement- Many acne medication regimens take many weeks for improvement, leading patients into believing that the medication is not working, which leads to lower adherence
- Complexity of prescribed treatment regimen
- Adverse reaction- potential adverse events can scare patients from even starting the medication
- Busy lifestyle
- Forgetfulness
- Inconvenient treatment protocol
- Confusion about treatment usage
Simplifying the medication and use of technology has the potential to play a major role in increased adherence. Education, specifically dynamic education, which consist of a more informative physician–patient interaction can also increase adherence.
We at Acne Care Clinic, India are aware of all these factors and consider them while we formulate the best possible treatment regimen for your acne.