Acne Myths

Acne is caused by dirty skin.
Unfortunately this myth causes a lot of overcleaning of the face with soaps and strong detergent cleansers. Frequent washing actually irritates pores, which can cause them to become clogged. Cleansing with the right type of product (not bar soaps or harsh detergent based cleansers) twice a day is good enough. A washcloth or any other cleansing device can add even more irritation. The best bet is to wash very gently with bare hands and only wash twice a day.


Acne is caused by chocolate, candy and french fries.
A diet high in iodides (the salt on those french fries) can make acne worse, but neither candy nor fried foods “cause” acne. There have been studies that show that sugar-laden foods and fast foods can make acne worse, but it certainly is not the “cause”. If it caused it then every teenager in America would have acne, but that is not the case. Acne is an inherited disorder of the pores – you either are prone to it or not. Clinical experiments have proven that chocolate does not cause or worsen acne.


Stress causes acne.
Acne causes oil, dead cells and bacteria together. Stress can aggravate acne, but not cause it.



I can dry up my acne.
Not true. Drying out your face only makes your skin sensitive, flaky, tight and uncomfortable. Your face is dry on the surface, but that doesn’t really clean out your pores. Using a combination of acne products that keep the pore clean, kill bacteria and exfoliate without over drying is how you clear up acne.


 The sun will help get rid of acne
Oh, no, it doesn’t! sun exposure may worsen acne and make it more pigmented. The sunscreen may prevent acne spots from becoming pigmented, also it helps hydrate the face during the day while your using an acne regimen. Make sure the sunscreen you use is noncomedogenic (non pore-clogging) ingredients. Overly exposing your skin to the sun creates skin damage, which leaves the skin irritated. Irritation brings new breakouts.


acne is an age related condition which will fade away with time.

Adolescence is the usual time for acne because androgens are increasing steadily during the teen years, and they make sebaceous glands larger and more active. As adolescence ends, the amount of androgen secretion diminishes and acne tends to disappear for most of the affected people by 25 years of age. But for various reasons, some women (and much less commonly, men) retain an increased sensitivity to their androgens and continue to have acne beyond adolescence, even in their sixties and seventies. Some women even get acne for the first time as adults (Post-adolescent acne).

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